Leather Ji’s story goes back to my childhood; when my love of pure leather gloves and jackets was just developing.
I don’t know the reason why, but feel that people who are closer to the nature have a special connection to things made with leather. I feel it brings them closer to their roots.


I don’t know the reason why, but feel that people who are closer to the nature have a special connection to things made with leather. I feel it brings them closer to their roots.

But those childhood days were ‘having not so much money days’ 😊. Pocket money was limited and ‘Wants’ were more than ‘Needs’.

I still remember buying imitation leather gloves which looked like real leather to satisfy my taste.

I think somehow the remains of my childhood have stayed with me and when the idea of a leather store popped-up, it just clicked.

So now you know, Leather Ji means to me more than a business.


We are not a big name or a big brand. We are just leather lovers like you, learning and exploring as we grow.

We will do our best in sharing the best value leather artifacts and hoping that they become part of your own stories for life.

If you like, join us in our journey.


Co – Founder
Leather Ji.


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